Our identity and beliefs as a church

Tabernacle’s beliefs

Our church wholeheartedly believes whatever the Bible says! At Tabernacle, we believe that the Bible is the very words of God, who inspired the writers of scripture as they wrote the various narratives, letters, poetry, and prophecies.

Our church believes that the Baptist Faith & Message (2000) is a wonderful summary of our beliefs as a church body.

The Scriptures — Video - Audio - Outline

Our Triune God — Video - Audio - Outline

Our Salvation — Video - Audio - Outline

The Church — Video - Audio - Outline

Working Together — Video - Audio - Outline

Baptists & Society — Video - Audio - Outline

Tabernacle’s Pillars

Tabernacle’s positions

Tabernacle’s PURSUITS

Governing documents

Tabernacle is a Baptist church, so our local congregation is ultimately responsible for what we believe and practice, under the leadership of our church elders. These documents govern how Tabernacle operates, and list out our responsibilities and commitments to one another as covenant church members.

These documents were adopted September 15, 2024.

Tabernacle’s history

On June 7, 1947, twenty-three people met in the old Hiway Theater with the Superintendent of City Missions for Baltimore. A survey of the community had been done and a large number of Baptists had been found who were interested in starting a church in their local community. By October, Middle River Baptist Church had agreed to sponsor a mission which would be called the Tabernacle Mission. The Home Mission Board (now North American Mission Board) agreed to provide a full-time pastor for Tabernacle. Alden F. Norris accepted the call to serve and was later called to be the first pastor.

By June of the following year, a building site had been located and lots were purchased. Several months were spent clearing the grounds and arranging financing. By October of 1949, the auditorium had been completed with the men of Tabernacle doing much of the work.

In January of 1950, Tabernacle Mission invited churches from the Baltimore Baptist Association to help in formally organizing the Mission into a church. The Mission was then constituted as Tabernacle Baptist Church, with a charter membership of 102.

In February of 1956, our current building was completed and dedicated to the Lord’s use, with local pastors and a choir celebrating the work that God had accomplished.


Alden norris - 1950-1975

William Miller - 1976-1979

Ronald Valentine - 1979-1982

Farrell kempson - 1982-1986

Kenneth Cademartori - 1987-1996

Brent Dowis - 1997-2001

Tinney Parrish - 2002-2009

Andrew Bell - 2011-2022

Bryon Self - Began pastoring in 2023