Our Leaders
Remember your leaders who have spoken God’s word to you. As you carefully observe the outcome of their lives, imitate their faith.
- Hebrews 13:7 (CSB)
We are incredibly grateful for the leaders God has given us at Tabernacle. We believe as you get to know these godly men and women, they will help strengthen your faith, grow you as a Christian, and show you a glimpse of how much Jesus values you.
Our Pastor
Bryon Self
Pastor Bryon became the lead pastor of Tabernacle Baptist Church in January of 2024. He has a passion to help people fall in love with Jesus and His Word through preaching, discipleship, and music. He is married to Samantha, and together they have two beautiful children, Bryon (III) and Evelyn. In his free time, Pastor Bryon loves playing guitar and piano, enjoying games with friends, and reading books on theology. He previously worked at Moses Lake Baptist Church in Moses Lake, WA for 5 years as a Worship & Small Groups Pastor. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Religious Education with a focus in Church Ministries from West Coast Baptist College. He is currently pursuing a Master’s in Theological Essentials from Gateway Seminary.
Email: pastor@tbcessex.com
Phone: 443.814.9003
Calendly: https://calendly.com/pastorbryon/time-with-pastor-bryon
Fictional Book(s): The Circle Trilogy by Ted Dekker
Fast Food: Chick-Fil-A (or Taco Bell)
Color: Green
Movie(s): The Dark Knight, Lord of the Rings
Music Artist: Phil Wickham
Bible Translation: Christian Standard Bible
Food: Sushi
Cookie: Oreo
Quote: Jim Elliot - "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."
Our elders
Myron Campbell
Myron has served Tabernacle for several years as a small group teacher and deacon. He grew up in a Christian home and accepted Christ as His Lord in childhood. He worked in a local community college for decades, and is now enjoying retirement. He loves to laugh, and to encourage everyone he comes in contact with!
Owen Dickerson
Owen has served as Tabernacle’s Discipleship Director for several years, among several other positions at the church. Each week, he works in our A/V ministry to help the music and preaching portions of the service be impactful and clear. He also is our unofficial IT aficionado. He has a great heart for loving and building up others through God’s work!
Jim Newman
Jim has served in various areas of Tabernacle for 8 years, including teaching children’s classes and men’s Bible studies. For the past few years, he has served as our Men’s Director. He has a big heart to help the hurting, and to see God transform lives for their good and His glory!
Bryon Self
Bryon came to Tabernacle at the end of 2023 and serves as a vocational elder (pastor). Each week, he leads our corporate worship service through music and preaching. He teaches several elective classes throughout the year, and has taught our men’s group, small groups, and senior Bible study. His heart is to see Tabernacle’s light grow through its members loving and serving Jesus within the church and outside of it.
Dr. Ron Smith
Dr. Ron came to Tabernacle in early 2023 to serve as our Interim Pastor before Bryon Self was hired. He also served for 8 months in 2024 as a Ministry Liaison. Dr. Ron has been involved in full-time ministry for over 40 years, and has degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He now travels around Maryland providing pulpit supply for churches.
Our church staff
Samantha Self
Samantha serves as the Administrative Assistant at Tabernacle. She previously served as an Administrative Assistant for 5 years at a church in Washington state, and has been involved in local church ministry for over a decade. She also serves Tabernacle by leading our Women’s Bible Study and our Children’s Ministries. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Religious Education from West Coast Baptist College, and loves to be a part of discipling others to know and love Jesus.
Janice Rudolph
Janice has been with Tabernacle Baptist Church since 1994 and has been employed in the capacity of custodian for 20 years.
Our Deacon
Jerry Simmons
Deacon Emeritus